Monday, May 13, 2013


My name is Bekka, and I'm from Mason, Ohio. Okay actually that's only sorta true. Mason is where I live, but it's not where I'm from. I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to the best parents a girl can ever ask for.

I'm one of those girls that people look at and label as "weird." Maybe it has to do with my 8 siblings? Or the fact that I was homeschooled for four years? Or that I lived in 4 different states in 5 years? Or my obsession with ponies? Anime? I dunno. Once upon a time I used to care about how others viewed me. Today, I honestly don't give a hoot. I'm who I want to be, not how others want me to be.

Sooo, a little more about myself: I've actually attended a lot of different schools: 3 private Catholic schools, homeschooled, two years in public high school, and now I'm finishing my first year at a vocational school studying Equine Science and Management. Here's Apache, the horse I've been working with all year, and me, practicing jumping:

When school is not in session, you can find me working at Kings Island Amusement Park. This is my third season working in the Games department, and my first season as an assistant supervisor.

Soooo, that's me. If you find me interesting, great! If you think I'm bizarre, no one asked you to read this ;)

This is actually a school assigment for English, to run a blog for a few weeks. If I want, I can continue working on it throughout the summer. Whether I will or not will depend on how free I am with my work schedule.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy updates about my life, which lately has been refusing to slow down and rest a bit. You might find me ranting about video games, people, places, all sorts of things. You can also check out some of my art at , but you gotta love ponies a lot ;)


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