Thursday, May 16, 2013

If I Could Be A Character On Any Show...

Now THIS is a toughie...there's so many I don't really know what I'd be. I could be a new Jedi student at the Temple, or a witch at Hogwarts, the latest member of the SSS (cookies to anyone who gets THAT reference!) But if I had to choose only one.....

....I would be a member of SG-1.

Surprising, right?

Well, believe it or not, Stargate SG-1 is another show that I grew up watching. Or rather, my older siblings watched it, and I eventually got into it and really started to understand and enjoy it. I love the character and story development, the plot is really good (well, until it hit season 9, then it was just kind of weird...), and the villains are wonderfully arrogant and villainous.

Also, I'd travel through the Stargate to other planets.

And did I mention that being a member of SG-1 means that I can wield a P-90?

Sign me up :)

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