Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On Lotteries....

So apparently during this past weekend, someone won hundreds of millions of dollars via lottery. On one hand, great! Congrats! On the other hand, I'm sitting here thinking, "Yeeeaaahhh, that's gonna end *so* well..."

I don't think it's anything new that people who win the lottery usually end up worse than before. Why? They spend it all. Simple. They realize "HEY! I have monies now! I can buy whatever I want! Like a car! And a house! And nothing bad will happen because I have monies!!"

No. Just no.

Honestly, I don't even see the point of the lottery. It only causes tears and sadness in the end. And besides, will it matter that you won the lottery when you're dead. It's not worth it to me.

What about you? Would you compete in the lottery?

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